Star Wars Custom

Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)

Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)
Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)
Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)
Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)

Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)    Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)

Die Bubble sieht älter aus (leichter Gelbstich) und der Kleber der Bubble sieht auch gut aus. Dafür ist das Druckbild der Karte im original etwas undeutlich.

Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)    Star Wars Meccano Snaggle Tooth to Presumably Customs Card (B015)